

Splashes of Color

The Nail Technician program provides the skills needed to perform services such as manicures, pedicures, and nail enhancement in a beauty or nail salon. Instruction consists of artificial nail techniques including wraps, tips, gel, sculptured acrylic nails, nail art, mechanical techniques, manicuring with hand and arm massage, pedicuring including massaging of the lower leg and foot sanitation and sterilization, bacteriology and salon safety, disorders of the nail and skin, professional ethics and salon management, and licensing laws and rules. Upon completing the program, students have the knowledge and skills needed to take the state written and practical examinations required for licensure.

Approximate Total Program Cost


College Credit


Estimated Program Length

12 hours/week – 6 months

18 hours/week – 4 months

24 hours/week – 3 months

Average Program Length

6 months

Calculation based upon minimum weekly enrollment requirement of certificate-seeking students.

Quick Glance

Admission Requirements, etc.

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Nail Technician Faculty

Caroline Dorsch



Aubrey Garff



Nail Technicians in Action