The Tooele Tech Assessment Center strives to provide a secure, comfortable, stress-minimizing testing atmosphere for current students. Whether you’re just starting your education journey or have recently completed your program, we can help you achieve your goals! We offer TABE pre-enrollment assessment and multiple types of State & National Certifications.
Math and English language skills are important for success in training programs. The College assists adult students in achieving their potential by assessing their basic skill levels in math and the English language using the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) or by evaluating their skills through high school or college transcripts. High school students are not tested because their school counselor will determine if they have met the appropriate skill levels for the training program they are entering.
To schedule a test or for more information contact our Testing Coordinator, Stacie Dunn at
91Ãâ·Ñ¿´Æ¬ assists students, when needed, in achieving their potential by assessing their basic skill levels in Reading Comprehension and Math using the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE). The TABE score will determine whether students will directly enroll in their program, simultaneously enroll in their program and the Math/Reading Courses, or begin their training program in the Business Classroom to improve their basic skills prior to the start of their chosen program.
Schedule with the Assessment Center by phone or email.
The global leader in computer-based testing. Pearson VUE Authorized Test Centers are part of the world’s largest professional testing network that delivers more than 15 million exams in 46 languages annually.
The NPOST is an entry-level basic skils test that helps law enforcement agencies select the most qualified applicants for the job and is an Admission Requirement for the Tooele Tech POST Satallite Academy
Schedule in the Assessment Center
To schedule a test or for more information contact our Testing Coordinator, Stacie Dunn.